
The Eurasia Observatory is a research project embedded in the line of research “History of propaganda and analysis of political communication” of the Interdisciplinary Group of Studies in Communication, Politics and Social Change (COMPOLITICAS). Since its inception in 2004, the Observatory’smain goal has been to study, research and promote the major political and communication issues across the former USSR.

 These research concerns are consistent with the belief that the production of a truly “universal” history of communication requires new elements if it is to move away from the Eurocentrism that limits this field of study. In order to avoid a purely Eurocentric perspective, the Observatory takes a multidisciplinary approach, bringing to bear the knowledge and expertise of analysts from across a spectrum of related fields. Historical, cultural, religious, political, and international relations issues all feed into a complementary and inter-dynamic whole, essential to the understanding of the historical evolution of the different forms of communications that have place in Russia and its former satellites.

But the Observatory stands also for activism in the defence of human rights and the free development of the potential of people. To that end, we collaborate with groups that promote “cultures of peace”, especially by providing them with accurate, up-to-date and impartial information on the conflicts taking place across the region.


foto_miguelvazquezMiguel Vázquez Liñán. PhD in Information Sciences (Complutense University of Madrid) and full professor at the University of Seville. Head of Observatorio Eurasia and coordinator of the line of research “Historical memory and political propaganda” | + info.
antoniaAntonia Ceballos Cuadrado. Journalist, MA in International Relations (International University of Andalucia). She coordinates the line of researchContemporary Journalism in Eurasia” | + info.
francescoFrancescomaria Evangelisti. PhD in Communications and Cultural Criticism (University of Seville). He coordinates the line of research “Geopolitics and communication within the former Soviet space” | + info.
ana_sanchezAna Sánchez Resalt. PhD in Social Communications (Pompeu Fabra University), MA in Communications and Culture (University of Seville). She coordinates the line of research “History of Communications and Propaganda | + info.
Adrina_compoliticasAdrián Tarín. PhD in Communication (University of Seville), specializing in Jihadi terrorism, insurgencies and radical movements (UPO). Full professor at the Central University of Ecuador. He coordinates the research line “Islam and politics in the North Caucasus” | + info.
Marta TerMarta Ter. Slavic philologist (University of Barcelona), MA in International Relations, Security and Development (Autonomous University of Barcelona – UAB). She coordinates the research line “Islam and politics in the North Caucasus”.  She is also a member of the NGO Lliga dels Drets dels Pobles | + info.
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